Thursday, September 3, 2009

I've been a bad blogger

I have been the kind of blogger that I like to complain about. I've been neglectful of my readers. Thank, Jill, for calling me out on it ;).

Here's a little life wrap up....

Work: Been busy, we have our biggest event of the year coming up. I'm trying to get my end organized and make sure everything is in place.

Love: Still in it! D and I have been doing well. I luuurrrvvvvv him.

Wedding: Making progress! I booked a florist, bought a veil.... I'm still in search of someone to do my hair. I went and scouted invitations last weekend, and I think I found some that I like. As per usual, I do the scouting, narrow things down, and then present my top pick to D for approval.

Training: We are a month into training, and it's going alright so far. I'm definitely one of the slowest people out there, but that's alright. I AM out there! I've been better about sticking to my training schedule. I try and go right after work in order to prevent the "I'm too tired and want to sit on the couch because it's right there" itis. Half marathoners like myself are doing four miles (with hills!!!) this weekend. Woo! And that leads to the reminder about donating......

Weight: I think I've finally found something that works for me. I've been eating smaller meals more often, and I'm never starving. I try and focus on low calorie, high fiber or high protein snacks to supplement the time in between meals. I dare say I think I'm changing my metabolism, and it's working out for me. Yay! Food is always the biggest roadblock in my quest to slim down. I love it too much.

Not much else to report..... D and I are having some adventures in parenting this weekend. We'll be watching my sister's three kids overnight for the first time. We've done plenty of babysitting and hanging out during the day, but overnight...... Yikes! I hope it goes well. I would like to return all of her children in one piece :).

I'll try and compose a more entertaining, thoughtful piece soon, I just wanted to say wassup to my friends, and I'll be back soon!


ophiolite said...

Keep up the great work! Everyone gets to the same place in the end with Team...the finish! No worries if you're first or's all about the journey to get there!

Kenny said...

Haha I do that all the time

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