Thursday, October 9, 2008

The aftermath

I feel like I have been operating at half speed this week. Last weekend was definitely tough. It was very hard to say goodbye to my yia yia, and it hit me a lot harder than I expected. By the time Saturday night rolled around, I could barely keep my head up, I was so mentally and physically exhausted. I slept for about 12 hours that night, and it was that kind of dreamless sleep. I think I woke up in the same position I had fallen asleep in.

I've been getting back on my running schedule. Note to self: deviating from running schedule means intense pain and suffering when you get back on. These runs that were becoming easier for me in weeks prior have turned into tortuous exercises. It's kind of getting me down, but I keep trying to remind myself that I just have to stick with it, stay on schedule, and it will get better. This weekend we have an 8 mile run, and it's scaring me crapless. I'm trying not to psych myself out, because that just makes things worse, but I'm still terrified. I just don't want to feel like I am failing.

In totally shallow hair news, My hair has gotten to the point where I can straighten it and wear it down without a headband. This feels like a huge victory for me. I'm even able to kind of pull it into the world's tinest ponytail when I run, with the aid of a running headband, and 5,000 bobby pins. Kind of exciting!


A.B. said...

Wow 5000 bobby pins... you'll just need to add some glitter and shiny blue eye shadow and you'll look like an olympic gymnast!

Kelsey said...

Stop freaking out! We will do great tomorrow. Nothing to be worried about...

Not much, anyway...