Friday, July 25, 2008


I am the first to admit that I can suffer from whiner-itiss. I'll whine to friends, wondering when the day will end, why Houston drivers are so dumb, why can't I have the body of a supermodel while eating wings and drinking beer.... I get it. Everyone whines, everyone has some moments of "why me".

What I CANNOT stand are people who complain constantly, who bemoan the state of their lives, who constantly proclaim their negativity and problems from the rooftops. I am so sick of people seeking sympathy by rehashing every miserable detail of their lives, instead of throwing that energy into trying to change their lives.

I thought a lot about this when I was writing my fundraising letter. I did not want to focus too much on what cancer was like for me, because frankly, I didn't want to bring people down in what was supposed to be an uplifting letter. I think I managed to strike the appropriate balance of heart-string pulling and positivity (at least I hope I did).

There are some people in my life who feel the need to complain and be negative about everything, no matter how good they might have it. I am so sick of these people, and maybe I just need to extricate them from my life.

Since I choose not to be too specific, I'll just post a general message to everyone: Please, please take a moment and look at all the good, happy, wonderful things in your life. Please focus on the positive instead of the negative. Please find a way to make the most out of your God given skills and talents, and don't focus on what you cannot do. The world will be a better, happier place for it.

Although, I do realize the irony of my complaining about people complaining, I think it served a good purpose, and now I'm going to go think about happier things, like a nice weekend full of fun stuff. :)

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